Social Media has brought the whole world closer together, but it is a sad fact that this platform is not used to create reconciliation and friendship between people, rather to build and nurture hatred between cultures.
The pictures that are being posted on LinkedIn of children that have been killed are heartbreaking for anybody to look at, and that I say irrespective of religion. It is very unfortunate that people that post these pictures, and the comments that are made tend to be argumentative, and it appears that the motive of these posts are to create more division between already divided cultures. Is it not time to change this, and is it not time to use social media, in general, to try and foster harmony and peace among people, at least to learn to respect each other? It is a mistake to assume that all Christians hate Muslims and vice versa. That is a generalization that simply does not hold any water.
There is a lot of water under the bridge in the history of man, and hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been killed because of religious differences, and I am convinced that we can all agree that enough is enough. Peace can only be reached if people have the wisdom to come to terms with each other, albeit difficult, and try to understand each other.
We all have five pints of blood, we all have hearts, we all have our own God, and we all have emotions and feelings. We feel equally terrible when we see children being killed. Nobody should assume that a person is heartless, that is arrogance. I pray that we have the sense and vision to back our leaders in trying to reach a comprehensive solution to complicated international issues, and that can be achieved to a large extent, by the people themselves starting to respect each other. For it is clear that no political agreement will reach its objectives if the people are determined to make such an agreement is a failure because people are not prepared to let go of the past and forgive. All religions, irrespective of origin, have one thing in common, and that is to forgive. Let's not forget the basic principle of any given religion, and let's harbour that thought instead of stoking the fire to keep the hatred alive.
God bless the victims their families that have been harmed in wars wherever they may take place in this world, and let us all pray for a better life, assuming that we have the wisdom to learn from recent events.
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